Necessity of ITS development and the future of the ITS
Seeking for a new transportation policy to increase the transportation convenience of public and traffic safety
The ITS is an innovative improvement alternative of the transportation service that maximizes usage efficiency among components by making the transportation system automatic and scientific.
It is a new transportation policy direction that will alleviate chronic traffic congestion, which causes enormous social costs and deterioration of competitiveness.
The ITS functions as an underlying technology that induces the maximization of existing transportation facility use, so that enormous financial resources needed to expand traffic facilities can be utilized more efficiently.
The ITS contributes to the practical traffic safety of the public by forecasting traffic in real time and giving a warning about danger in advance by developing an efficient traffic safety system using advanced technology.
The customized ITS service, which satisfies increased international exchange and various social and economic activities, will improve the quality of people’s lives and respond to new transportation demands.
With the ITS, transportation will be implemented for convenient and safe use at any time and any place in the near future.
Building 6, Government Complex Sejong, Doum-6-ro, Sejong-si (30064) Copyright (c]) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. All Rights reserved.